Open learning: Reflections on topic 2
The second topic in the course focused on sharing and openness. The idea of sharing materials and ideas can be scary. I tend to worry about where the recordings of my lectures may end up for example. I guess things that we know little about are especially scary, so it was valuable to read about Creative Commons, for example. It was also good to discuss in this topic how to introduce the topic of openness to students. Teaching students how to appropriately and ethically use outside materials probably addresses our own fears: If people understand that it is important to cite sources and attribute ideas, then we instructors would be less fearful of sharing those resources. But I think the most challenging of open education for me, is openly sharing my own resources on public platform (accessible to everyone). Even to write this blog is not always easy, knowing it is your ideas that can be judged and criticised. As one article pointed out: "Individual determinations ...